These are the books in my personal library. These are not reccomendations or even books I enjoyed, I just need a reason to maintain this website. This being said, this is not a complete list and I probably will not keep this up to date. I recently added links to project gutenberg, but I usually read a physical copy of the book.
Books I have read
- Notes From the Underground // Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Brave New World // Aldous Huxley
- Candide // Voltaire
- Tuesdays with Morrie // Mitch Albom
- Into the Wild // Jon Krakauer
- Travels with Charlie: In Search of America // John Steinbeck
- 1984 // George Orwell
- Starting Strength // Mark Rippetoe
- Industrial Society and its Future // F.C.
- Time Machine // H.G. Wells
- The Republic // Plato
- The Stranger // Albert Camus
- Consolation of Philosophy // Boethius
- The Return of the King // J.R.R Tolkien
- The Great Divorce // C.S. Lewis
Books I am Currently Reading
- Orthodoxy // G.K. Chesterton
Books I Plan to Read
- The Divine Comedy: Paradise // Dante
- The Inferno // Dante
- A Clockwork Orange // Anthony Burgess
- Animal Farm // George Orwell
- Fahrenheit 451 // Ray Bradbury
- The Death of Ivan Ilynch // Lev Tolstoy
- Island of the world // Michael Obrien
- Crime and Punishment // Fyodor Dorstoevsky
- Fear and Trembling // Soren Kierkegaard
- The Sickness unto Death // Soren Kierkegaard
- The Prince // Niccolo Machiavelli
- Paradise Lost // John Milton
- Confessions // St. Augustine of Hippo
- City of God // St. Augustine of Hippo
- Cloud of Unknowing // Unknown
- Corpus Hermeticum // Hermes Trigmegistus